
Just passed written exam, 90% overall score! Thanks, the course really prepared me well. Practice exams were especially useful!

I took the CPL ground school course through Harv's Air. Aron is a fantastic instructor. The lectures keep you entertained and engaged the entire time. It prepared me above and beyond for the CPL written, achieving an overall score of 93%. The practice exams on Pilotraining.ca are more difficult than the actual written, so going into the examination everything feels very manageable and relaxed.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank immensely the team at Harv's Air that have, in my opinion, created the most enjoyable and complete ground school material. A particular ''chapeau bas'' to Aaron Doherty who has made the hours and hours of material both clear, fun and an absolute pleasure to listen to.

A huge thank you to you and the Harv’s team - excellent course and I will continue to register for future online courses

Thanks again :)

Just wrote my PPAER. Many of the questions on the PPAER on very similar if not the same to the ones in the practice exams.

I really enjoyed this course because I could study as much or as little as I wanted to. I found it very helpful that when you get a wrong answer on a quiz, it will explain why it was wrong and link the presentation.

Thanks Aaron and the team at Pilottraining.ca for providing a fantastic leaning platform. I found the actual exam to be much easier; however, READ the questions and answers carefully, some of the ones I got wrong I actually knew the answer to and I just messed up. If you do all the quizzes and practice exams, you'll do great.

Thanks again Pilottraining.ca!

Thank you for all of your help! I’ve now passed both my flight test and written test now. Your site was a huge part of my successful training and I really appreciate it.

Here are my results! (90% PPL exam) Thanks for creating such a great online theory program, I really enjoyed using it!

Again, I really want to say that your on-line ground school is just the best I've ever seen! I thought I was not so bad, but you provide so much more details and explain how things work, it's fantastic! Learn the "why" and not only the "how", this is really good for safety long term, many thanks! I hope I'll be able to enjoy new priviledges soon with my PPL as I'm buying an M20E on co-ownership, so I'm eager to convert pretty soon!

Great program. I really enjoyed taking your courses. Looking forward to doing my CPL. Thank you for putting it together so well.
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